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Who is European Recycling Platform Netherlands?

European Recycling Platform Netherlands, a part of the Landbell Group, is your trusted partner in ensuring compliance with Dutch regulations on textiles extended producer responsibility (EPR).

As a leading Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO), we have access to extensive knowledge and capabilities from EPR compliance services experience in more than 15 European countries and 40 compliance schemes globally. We are committed to driving positive change and ensuring the responsible processing of textiles and the end of their lifecycle in line with targets set by the Dutch government.

Textile EPR policies are developing in the EU and globally, and we are able to provide you with global one-stop-shop solutions so that you only have a single point of contact covering textiles and even other product streams EPR in all countries you operate.

Why was Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) implemented for textiles in the Netherlands?

Since July 1, 2023, the Netherlands has implemented the extended producer responsibility (EPR) for textiles as one of the first countries in the EU. The textile EPR Decree sets general rules for companies, making them responsible for the waste management of textile products. Companies are responsible, also financially, for collection, preparation for reuse, and recycling of the textile products after consumers have discarded them.

Which companies are covered?

The Textile EPR Decree obliges every company, referred to as ‘’Producers’’, to bear financial and/or physical responsibility for the processing of textile waste. If your company is the first to put textiles into the Dutch market, you are under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).

Here are the categories of producers:

1. Importers: These are entities like wholesalers who bring in textiles from overseas to sell to retailers. Retailers who directly buy clothing and home textiles from foreign sources also take on these responsibilities. Manufacturers of textile products outside the Netherlands, including, online suppliers, who sell directly to end users in the Netherlands.

2. Manufactures: These are the ones who make textile products within the Netherlands.

Which textile products fall under the EPR textile?

The following textile products are covered by the EPR regulations:

1. Clothing: consumer clothing, corporate wear

2. Household textiles: bedclothes, table linen, household linen

In addition, it must concern new clothing and new household textiles, not second-hand. It does not matter whether the textile product is made from virgin or recycled textile fibers.

Which textile products do not fall under the EPR textile?

The following textile products aren't covered by the EPR regulations:

Bags, belts, shoes, headgear, blankets, curtains, draperies, blinds, bedspreads, sacks, covers, sails, tents, mops, dishcloths, cleaning cloths, and dusters.

How European Recycling Platform Netherlands support producers in 2025?

With our Click & Comply shop, we offer simple and reliable services that meet legal requirements. You can purchase our service packages online and receive full guidance throughout all steps of the compliance process.

Our packages include:

• We register you with the authorities in the Netherlands.
• We report to the authorities.
• We set up corresponding textile collection and treatment approaches for the following years to achieve circularity within textile value chain and reach the targets in accordance with the legislation.

European Recycling Platform Netherlands package enables producers to be compliant in 2024 with legal provisions fully and effectively.

What are the costs?

In 2024, EPR compliance for textile products amounts to €49.0 for 2,500 kilograms of textiles.

If you need compliance for more weight you can purchase an additional package or contact us: